Sunday, April 09, 2006

Hydeist entry 2006/04/08(Sat)

Thanks to members of the ARK message board who are Hydeist members and can translate Japanese into English, we can get an idea of what Hyde writes to his fans on his website.

Here’s the entry for April 8, 2006 (and I've combined translations). It seems like some of the first part is missing. Most of it, though, he’s talking about a recent Faith concert. Also, remember this is translated by fans, so I can’t vouch for its accuracy.

In the end, I ate yakitori without eating nattou. Too bad.

Today, I pushed myself to the limit.

The live is like a short marathon.

Don't think about the next song, enjoy one song then the other and follow me.

I'm not going to do a long marathon.

The live is our se.x and not a place to watch mastur.bation.

Let's boost each other up, tomorrow, too.

I will lead you through the world that is more than 100%.

It's nothing to be shy about.

Let's return to the wild!

Eat Sleep LIVE!!!


Unknown said...

What a fantastic line. "I will lead you through the world that is more than 100%." Thank you Hyde, thank you Jeannette.

Anonymous said...

I went to the website and I cant seem to get it translated. How do you do it? Please let me know.