Thursday, April 13, 2006

Hydeist entry 2006/04/13(Thu)

1st message:


Spring's new life.

I like this.

So fresh.

It would be nice if we could enjoy something important, too.

Today I searched for Uchida Yuki's autograph in the dressing room but couldn't find it. I think it's suppose to be there. I searched with Hiroki. Then I realized I had been staring for a long time.

The stickers might be under some new ones that were put up over them. There were many other autographs, though (of famous people).


You know, the creators of Kinniku-man. It was real.

Hamasaki Ayumi. She wouldn't come here.

And a bunch of foreign artists. But artists like Jimi Hendrix are dead (meaning the autographs couldn’t be authentic).

I wondered if I had written one before, so I searched but didn't find anything.

Kinko-sensei's sticker was there, but I didn't think it was real.

After I figure out the order of the songs tomorrow, I'm going to bed.

Have fun.

Good night.

2nd message:


Ah, I've burned out.

Into a pure white ash.

Even though the tour has just started.

Am I going to be okay?

But it's totally kakkoii already. (kakkoii - cool)

Last night I ate some Yakisoba from a Yakisoba stand.

It was good.

Thank you, Tochinoki.

So tomorrow is Tokyo's only Shibuya AX. I think it's my first time there.

Tomorrow I promise to burst out with all of my energy.


(thanks to the ARK)

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