Saturday, May 27, 2006

The great usefulness of speculation for mental life lies in its thus suspending practice and introducing consideration. ~Samuel Alexander

in_my_death_guise (who btw has a gazillion Hyde icons, also ones of Johnny Depp and Ewan McGregor, but I digress) posed a question on Hydeist asking if Hyde’s symbol (top image) has any connection to the one in The Da Vinci Code (bottom image), the movie my friend Julie really liked and my friend Novel really hated.

On Hydeist uzumakisama suggested Hyde’s symbol looked like the one for the planet Saturn. Members of the ARK have mentioned the Foundation of Humankind, a stamen/pistil of a flower, and the “H” of Hyde’s name depicted to resemble half a heart.

Any other ideas out there?


Anonymous said...

Actually, to me it looks like one of the many representations I've seen of the alchemical symbol purifcatio.

It seems he has an interest in that, after all, and considering he used it for Roentgen. The whole purification thing.

Anonymous said...

bwahahah, that saturn symbol looks like the hiragana for chi.^^

musingwoman said...

Do you have a link to a pic for the alchemical symbol? I googled for it but couldn't find anything.

>> saturn symbol looks like the hiragana for chi

Hey, you’re right. The list just keeps getting longer.

v_esper said...

I always thought it was an old shape of a guitar pick.

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