Monday, July 10, 2006

Significant Other’s POV

Just read this intertaining piece on Hydeist live journal community by hau_kane:

What do you do when your wife of almost 10 years turns the clock back to her teenage youth and lets the fangirl in her rise to the surface? The answer is you pack your bags and hop on a plane to fly 2,500 miles to San Francisco to see HYDE in concert. Oh, but one concert won't do when there are two in as many nights just miles away from each other. So, as you probably guessed, I went to the HYDE concerts at both Slim's and The Fillmore…read the rest of the report.


Anonymous said...

This is why I am very lucky to have a significant other who's almost as big a Haidophile as I am. I found myself saying, "Hey, play nice!" several times during the report but I'll let it go 'cause overall he wasn't that mean about it. But I wish hitch hickers wouldn't go to the shows, they're using up tickets real fans could have bought. Yes, I am sinister fangirl. Deal.

P.S. I loved the crowd at Slim's myself. I thought the pressure was somehow soothing...or maybe I'm just crazy.

musingwoman said...

He was hard on the "Hyde is hot" fans but he had good things to say about Hyde and the band. Sounded like he was becoming a fan in spite of himself. :-)