Sunday, July 30, 2006

It's shounen-ai, er, I mean showtime!

Thanks to Eleonora on the ARK for translating Manager Fa’s diary entries for the recent Zepp Sapporo performances.

It seems that for the concert on 7/22 the band gave the crowd a surprise. When the curtain rose, Hyde was nowhere to be seen but there was Hiroki and Jin kissing!

After a burst of laughter, the curtain was dropped and the announcer said: “Excuse us, pull yourself together and please watch the amazing live of HYDE." Up went the curtain again and there he was.

UPDATE: According to Eleonora’s translations of Hyde’s recent Hydiest entries, he called the kiss a “stupid” idea. It seems, too, it was originally supposed to be Hiroki and Furuton, but since the latter had a cold Jin took his place.

UPDATED AGAIN: Just watched the 2nd disc of Hyde' s Faith DVD set and, um, he seemed to get an awfully big kick out of that kiss. Maybe he later said it was stupid just to smooth some ruffled feathers.


Anonymous said...

HaHa...that was funny! I wonder if Jin had his creepy mask on while kissing Hiroki? For Hiroki's sake...I hope so.

Anonymous said...

Why for his sake? For his sake (and the audience's) I'd hope not. Besides, masks taste funny. lol Don't ask how I know that. Eh-hem.

Anonymous said...

Because no one cares about yaoi-crazy fangirls sakes? XP

musingwoman said...

Well, obviously, Hyde and company care or they wouldn't have provided such excellent fan service!

Also, anonymous, I considered deleting your comment because it's close to flaming. No problem if you disagree with something someone says, just don't get ugly about it.

musingwoman said...

About the update, pure speculation here but I have to wonder if Manager FA’s not so positive reaction (“I actually didn't quite get why they decided such a thing, but for some reason that day all of a sudden it was decided.”) had something to do with what Hyde said afterwards.

And is this the same person who "protected" the band from Zelda-zero?

Anonymous said...

Yikes! Flamers are coming out if the woodwork these days. I guess the band thought it would be kind of funny. Let's face it, I'm a straight girl & even I think kissing Jin would be a little creepy (come on, the mask thing is a little creepy, don't you think? ) LOL

musingwoman said...

I'm a straight gal, too (well, at least, 90% of the time) and agree about the creepy part *if* he kissed the mask. :-)

Also, I don't think I've ever seen a pic of Jin. Does anyone know of one?

Anonymous said...

On all of this...yay flamers, gotta love 'em. Heh.
Just be glad it/she/he didn't come back and argue with you all day. XD

Though, I guess Hyde doesn't care that much or he wouldn't have said it was a stupid idea. :p

On Fa, I doubt it is the same person, as Fa is apparently a guy and the gal that kept everyone away from the band was more like a PR manager. I think Fa is possibly the band manager from the sounds of it.